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EIC Accelerator 190195672

Laser bioprinting device and in vivo applications

The use of laser bioprinting in biotech and regenerative medicine can help resolve clinical conditions that are either currently untreatable and result in loss of life or serious deterioration of quality of life. PhosPrint created an innovative dual beam laser bioprinting device and process which comprises novel surgical protocols for on-site laser bioprinting of autologous urothelial cells. The approach is employed to create a neobladder in cancer patients after the removal of their affected organ. PhosPrint’s brand-new approach overcomes the gold standard of cystoplasty that causes severe side effects since it uses unsafe intestinal epithelium to recreate the bladder


Light based multisensing device for screening of pathogens and nutrients in  bioreactors (ΗORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03)

The bioreactor industry is currently flourishing with a global market valued estimated at 2.3 B€ in 2020 and predicted to exceed 6.6 B€ euro by 2030, growing at a rate of 10.7% CAGR. Despite this impressive growth, there are challenges which can significantly impede the further advancement of bioreactors: Bioproducts can be sustainable and competitive only if reliable and contamination-free production is ensured. Currently, there is no catholic solution to this issue. To this end, LIBRA project introduces a benchtop smart multi-sensing system for the in-line automatable screening of cultivation processes in bioreactors. The LIBRA sensing technology lies in the use of light based integrated on-chip, real time sensors. A novel integration procedure of the photonic platforms together with disposable microfluidic modules and biofunctionalization units will result in a modular system with interchangeable components enabling the screening of nutrients and pathogens in bioreactor samples, according to the end users need. Furthermore, the LIBRA system will be able to be attached and integrated to various bioreactor systems regardless of their form factors, spanning from stirred tank bioreactors to single use bioreactors (SUB). To achieve this, LIBRA will rely on a highly multi-disciplinary consortium comprising expertise and specialization in several fields spanning photonics, surface functionalization, microfluidics, advanced packaging and assembly, artificial intelligence and bioreactor manufacturers. The exploitable results of LIBRA are expected to disrupt the current PIC-based sensing landscape, as estimated by the two business cases stemming from the project: the market revenues one year after the end of this project are expected to be €7.8 million growing to almost €59 million in 2032, and plethora of new IP and new business opportunities for the partners involved in the joint venture of LIBRA.

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Tumor-LN-oC: Tumor Lymph node on Chip (H2020 NMBP-23-2020)


The lymphatic system and lymph nodes (LNs) are an integral part of our adaptive immune system and many tumors exploit lymphatic vessels to spread and colonize downstream LNs. Tumor-LN-oC aims to offer a comprehensive solution for a robust, automated tumor-lymph node-on-chip platform that will connect primary surgically removed human tumors and LN tissue from the same cancer patient. This will allow us to study the interaction of primary tumors with lymph nodes, identify their chemical signature, and offer personalized treatment relying on molecular characterization of lymph node metastasizing cells. The project will significantly advance the fields of microfluidics, cell biology, cancer biology, physics, and computer programming and software development.

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UroPrint: Urinary bladder bioprinting for fully autologous transplantation



The vision of the UroPrint consortium is to laser print fully functional immunocompatible urothelial tissue ex vivo and in vivo for bladder augmentation and replacement. This vision is enabled by combining and advancing a number of achievements in the fields of optics and laser technologies, materials, engineering and micro-instrumentation, and experimental surgery.


Publications in Refereed international journals


Laser-induced forward transfer on regenerative medicine applications C Kryou, I Zergioti - Biomedical Materials & Devices 1, 5–20 (2023).


“Bioprinting on organ-on-chip: development and applications”, Maria A Chliara, Stavroula Elezoglou and Ioanna Zergioti, Biosensors, 12(12), 1135 (2022).

“Laser-Induced Forward Transfer on Regenerative Medicine Applications”, Christina Kryou and Ioanna Zergioti, Biomedical Materials & Devices (2022).

“Laser Bioprinting of Cells Using UV and Visible Wavelengths: A Comparative DNA Damage Study”, Panagiotis Karakaidos, Christina Kryou, Nikiana Simigdala, Apostolos Klinakis, and Ioanna Zergioti, Bioengineering, 9(8), 378, (2022). DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering9080378


“Parametric Study of Jet/Droplet Formation Process during LIFT Printing of Living Cell-Laden Bioink”, Christina Kryou, Ioannis Theodorakos, Panagiotis Karakaidos, Apostolos Klinakis, Antonios Hatziapostolou and Ioanna Zergioti, Micromachines, 12, 1408, (2021). DOI: 10.3390/mi12111408

“A Miniature Bio-Photonics Companion Diagnostics Platform for Reliable Cancer Treatment Monitoring in Blood Fluids”, Mariann eza Chatzipetrou, Lefteris Gounaridis, George Tsekenis, Maria Dimadi, Rachel Vestering-Stenger, Erik F. Schreuder, Anke Trilling, Geert Besselink, Luc Scheres, Adriaan van der Meer, Ernst Lindhout, Rene G. Heideman, Henk Leeuwis, Siegfried Graf, Tormod Volden, Michael Ningler, Christos Kouloumentas, Claudia Strehle, Vincent Revol, Apostolos Klinakis, Hercules Avramopoulos and Ioanna Zergioti, Sensors, 21(6), 2230, (2021).


“Bioprinting for Liver Transplantation”, Christina Kryou, Valentina Leva, Marianneza Chatzipetrou and Ioanna Zergioti, Bioengineering 2019, 6(4), 95;

"Erratum to “Comparative Assessment of Affinity-Based Techniques for Oriented Antibody Immobilization towards Immunosensor Performance Optimizatio”", George Tsekenis, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, Maria Massaouti, Ioanna Zergioti, Journal of Sensors, (2019), Volume 2019, Article ID 4758382, 1 page,

"Comparative Assessment of Affinity-Based Techniques for Oriented Antibody Immobilization towards Immunosensor Performance Optimizatio”", George Tsekenis, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, Maria Massaouti and Ioanna Zergioti, Journal of Sensors, (2019),



“BIOFOS: Micro-ring resonator-based biophotonic system for food analysis. Nut mycotoxin detection”, A. Romero, A. Ninot, J.F. Hermoso, I. Zergioti, Ch. Kouloumentas, H. Avramopoulos, H. Leeuwis, E. Schreuder, S. Graf, H. Knapp, L. Barthelmebs, T. Noguer, G. Tsekenis, L. Scheres, M. Smulders, H. Zuilhof, G. Heesink, L. Reguillo, A. Risquez, Acta HorticulturaeVolume 1219, 31 October 2018, Pages 339-343, DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1219.51

“BIOFOS: A micro-ring resonator-based biophotonic system for food analysis - Application to olive oil contaminants”, A. Romero, A. Ninot, J.F. Hermoso, I. Zergioti, C. Kouloumentas, H. Avramopoulos, H. Leeuwis, E. Schreuder, S. Graf, H. Knapp, L. Barthelmebs, T. Noguer, G. Tsekenis, L. Scheres, M. Smulders, H. Zuilhof, G. Heesink, L. Reguillo, Acta HorticulturaeVolume 1219, 31 October 2018, Pages 339-343, DOI:   10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1199.80

“On‐Demand Laser Printing of Picoliter‐Sized, Highly Viscous, Adhesive Fluids: Beyond Inkjet Limitations”, M. Makrygianni, A. Millionis, C. Kryou, I. Trantakis, D. Poulikakos, I. Zergioti, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 5, 1800440 (2018).

“Direct Laser Printing of Liver Cells on Porous Collagen Scaffolds”, V. Leva, M. Chatzipetrou, L. Alexopoulos, D. S. Tzeranis, I. Zergioti,  JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Vol. 13, No. 3, 2018, DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2018.03.0015

“Phosphate modified screen printed electrodes by LIFT treatment for glucose detection”, F. Milano, L. Giotta, D. Chirizzi, S. Papazoglou, C. Kryou, A. De Bartolomeo, V. De Leo, M. R. Guascito, I. Zergioti, Biosensors  8(4), 91, (2018),


“Direct Creation of Biopatterns via a Combination of Laser-Based Techniques and Click Chemistry”, M. Chatzipetrou, M. Massaouti, G. Tsekenis, A. K. Trilling, E. van Andel, L. Scheres, M. M. J. Smulders, H. Zuilhof, and I. Zergioti, Langmuir 33, 848–853 (2017), DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02860

“Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) of nano-micro patterns for sensor applications”, S. Papazoglou, I. Zergioti,, Review article. Microelectronic Engineering 182, 25-34 (2017)


Label-free DNA biosensor based on resistance change of platinum nanoparticles assemblies”, Evangelos Skotadis, Konstantinos Voutyras, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, Georgios Tsekenis, Lampros Patsiouras, Leonidas Madianos, Stavros Chatzandroulis, Ioanna Zergioti, Dimitris Tsoukalas, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 81, 388–394 (2016)


"Heavy metal ion detection using a capacitive micromechanical biosensor array for environmental monitoring", G. Tsekenis, M.K. Filippidou, M. Chatzipetrou, V.Tsouti, I. Zergioti, S. Chatzandroulis, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 208 (2015) 628–635,


“A polyphenol biosensor realized by laser printing technology”, E. Touloupakis, M. Chatzipetrou, C. Boutopoulos, A. Gkouzou, I. Zergioti, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 193, 301–305 (2014),

"Time resolved imaging and immobilization study of bioliquids on hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces by means of Laser-Induced Forward Transfer", C. Boutopoulos, M. Chatzipetrou, A. G. Papathanasiou, I. Zergioti, Laser Physics Letters 11, 105603 (2014)


“A photosynthetic biosensor with enhanced electron transfer generation realized by laser printing technology”, E. Touloupakis, C. Boutopoulos, K. Buonasera, I. Zergioti, M. T.  Giardi, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 402, 3237-3244 (2012), DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-5771-7


“Direct laser immobilization of photosynthetic material on screen printed electrodes for amperometric biosensor”, C. Boutopoulos, E. Touloupakis, I. Pezzotti, M. T. Giardi, I. Zergioti, Applied Physics Letters  98, 093703 (2011), doi:10.1063/1.3562297


“Detection of DNA mutations using a capacitive micro-membrane array”, Tsouti, V, Boutopoulos, C., Andreakou, P., Ioannou, M., Zergioti, I., Goustouridis, D., Kafetzopoulos, D., Tsoukalas, D., Normand, P., Chatzandroulis, S., Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (4), 1588-1592 (2010)


“Femtosecond laser microprinting of biomaterials”, I. Zergioti et al., Applied Physics Letters. 86, 163902 (2005)


“Microfabrication of biomaterials by the sub-ps laser induced forward transfer process”, A. Karaiskou, I. Zergioti, C. Fotakis, E. Kapsetaki, D. Kafetzopoulos, Applied Surface Science 208-209, 245-249 (2002)


Partipication in international Conferences

Study of metastasis of laser bioprinted lung tumor towards lymph node in an Organ on Chip platform, poster presentation Maria Chliara, Maria Dimadi, Stavroula Elezoglou, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, A. Hatziapostolou, Katerina Tsilingiri, Apostolos Klinakis, Ioanna Zergioti, VII Summer school “Photonics meets Biology”, 26. – 30. August 2024, Split, Croatia, MEDILS Institute.


A refractometry sensor for the detection of pathogens in bioreactor samples, M. Chatzipetrou, E. Damianidou, M. Dimadi, A. Bokski, E. Schreuder, A. Klinakis and I. Zergioti, VII Summer school “Photonics meets Biology”, 26. – 30. August 2024, Split, Croatia, MEDILS Institute.


A refractometry sensor for the detection of pathogens in bioreactor samples, poster presentation M. Chatzipetrou, E. Damianidou, M. Dimadi, A. Bokski, E. Schreuder, A. Klinakis and I. Zergioti, I3D24 3-4 July 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece


"Light assisted 3D printing of Microfluidic Devices: Development of Organ-on-chip models for studying cancer metastasis in lymphatic vessels – laser bioprinting applications" Maria Anna Chliara (presenter), Stavroula Elezoglou, Maria Dimadi, Katerina Tsilingiri, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, Apostolos Klinakis, Antonis Hatziapostolou and Ioanna Zergioti, Poster presentation at EUROoCS annual meeting, July 3- July 5, 2024 Milan, Italy


"A refractometry sensor for the detection of pathogens in bioreactor samples", M. Chatzipetrou (presenter), E. Damianidou, M. Dimadi, A. Bokski, E. Schreuder, A. Klinakis and I. Zergioti, Poster presentation at 8th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, 12-15 May 2024 | Seville, Spain


"Laser Initiated complex cell structures on chips towards the study of interaction between tumor cells and lymph nodes.", Marianneza Chatzipetrou (presenter), Maria Chliara, Maria Dimadi, Stavroula Elezoglou, Katerina Tsilingiri, Apostolos Klinakis, Ioanna Zergioti, Poster presentation at 8th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, 12-15 May 2024 | Seville, Spain


Optical metrology with wide field of view for 3D mapping of tissues, Christos Katopodis, Ioanna Zergioti (Presenter), Dimitrios Papazoglou, at SPIE Photonics Europe, 7 - 11 April 2024, Strasbourg, France


Precise laser bioprinting of cells inside 3D extracellular matrices towards engineered structures, poster presentation, Stavroula Elezoglou (Presenter), Antonis Hatziapostolou, Chrysoula Chandrinou, Apostolos Klinakis, Ioanna Zergioti at SPIE Photonics Europe, 7 - 11 April 2024, Strasbourg, France


Laser-induced forward transfer of complex cell structures to study the interaction between tumor cells and lymph nodes in organs-on-chips, Invited Paper, Maria Chliara, Stavroula Elezoglou Maria Dimadi, Marianneza Chatzipetrou Katerina Tsilingiri, Apostolos Klinakis, Ioanna Zergioti(Presenter),at SPIE Photonics Europe, 7 - 11 April 2024, Strasbourg, France


“Laser induced forward transfer of complex 3D cell structures to study the interaction between tumor cells and lymph nodes”, Oral presentation, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, Maria Dimadi, Stavroula Elezoglou, Katerina Tsilingiri, Apostolos Klinakis and Ioanna Zergioti (Presenter) at SPIE Photonics West, 27 January - 1 February 2024 San Francisco, California, United States.


“Laser Induced Forward Transfer bioprinting of cells inside Extracellular matrices in controlled depth”, S. Elezoglou, A. Hatziapostolou, M. Chliara, I. Theodorakos, A. Klinakis, I. Zergioti, Oral Presentation, I3D23- Nanotexnology 2023, 5-6 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.


“Bioprinting in organ-on-chip for studying cancer metastasis in lymphatic vessels”, M. A. Chliara, K. Tsilingiri, A. Klinakis, A. Hatziapostolou, I. Zergioti, Poster presentation, MPS World Summit 2023, June 26-30, Berlin, Germany.


“Laser bioprinting of cells and tumor organoids for organ-on-chip applications”, Evina Elezoglou, Maria Chliara, Marianneza Chatzipetrou, ‪Symeon Papazoglou, Katerina Tsilingiri, Apostolos Klinakis and I. Zergioti, Oral Presentation, SPIE Photonics West, 28 January - 2 February 2023 San Francisco, California, United States.


“LIFT printing of cells and DNA damage study” (Invited paper), Evina Elezoglou, Panagiotis Karakaidos, Christina Kryou, Antonis Hatziapostolou, Apostolos Klinakis and Ioanna Zergioti, SPIE Photonics West, 28 January - 2 February 2023 San Francisco, California, United States.


“Parametric Study of Jet/Droplet Formation Process during LIFT Printing of Living Cell-Laden Bio-ink", C. Kryou, P. Karakaidos, A. Hatziapostolou, A. Klinakis, and I. Zergioti, Oral presentation at Junior EUROMAT2022 conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 19-22 July, 2022.

© 2019 - 2025  PhosPrint  Advanced Technologies

Lefkippos Technology Park, NCSR Demokritos

Agia Paraskevh, Athens, Greece

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